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Georgia Police Crack Down on St. Patrick's Day Drunk Driving

Georgia Police Crack Down on St. Patrick's Day Drunk Driving


With St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, law enforcement officers in Albany, GA are ready to crack down on intoxicated drivers this weekend, Fox 31 reports. The Governor's Office of Highway Safety will join Georgia State Patrol and the city's local police department to spread DUI-awareness this weekend. The Governor's Office of Highway Safety director told Fox that his office will spread the word throughout Georgia to encourage party-goers to plan ahead and assign designated drivers.

Additionally, the police department will make a special effort to remain visible through the St. Patrick's Day weekend. Hopefully this effort will cut down on the number of intoxicated drivers throughout the Albany area. According to police, the best thing to do when you've had too much to drink is call a friend or a taxi cab. Even one drink can push some motorists over the legal drinking limit and impair their ability to drive.

Between 2006 and 2010, 700 people were killed during the St. Patrick's Day weekend by drunk driving in Georgia, totaling about 175 St. Patrick's Day deaths in Georgia every year. Last year, the number of St. Patrick's Day deaths was higher than the previous years, spurring law enforcement to work even harder to protect the local community this year. The department hopes to keep the streets safe by arresting anyone driving with a BAC over. 08%.

At The Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub, PC, we believe that drunk driving is never okay. On the other hand, accusing and convicting a driver of an infraction that they didn't commit is wrong, too. That's why our Atlanta DUI defense lawyers are dedicated to helping our clients avoid unnecessary DUI convictions and consequences. If you've been arrested for DUI, don't risk your future and freedom; contact us today!