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Officers on High Alert for Atlanta DUIs This Holiday Season

Officers on High Alert for Atlanta DUIs This Holiday Season


The holiday season is a time for celebration, parties, and gatherings with friends and family. Naturally, many of us choose to celebrate with good food and drink. Knowing this, law enforcement agencies throughout Atlanta and the state of Georgia are reminding local residents to stay safe when consuming alcohol this holiday season, especially if they plan on driving.

Statistically, holidays – and the days before and after – boast the highest rates of alcohol-related auto accidents, injuries, and fatalities. According to officials from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, data from previous years reveal alarming spikes in DUI arrests and DUI accidents between the Thanksgiving weekend and the New Year. Between November, 20 and December 31, 2012, statewide statistics were as follows:

  • 1,119 alcohol-related traffic accidents
  • 679 injuries
  • 20 deaths

Statistics also show that DUI incidents throughout the state last year increased 11% over the previous year. In an effort to reduce high rates of preventable DUI accidents and injuries, law enforcement officers across Georgia are collaborating with nonprofit agencies to form a statewide anti-DUI campaign to raise awareness and crack down on holiday DUIs.

The anti-DUI coalition, TEAM Georgia, includes local businesses, public safety officials, and players from Atlanta sports teams. Officers have already arrested a number of drivers under suspicion of DUI this past Thanksgiving weekend.

Charged with driving under the influence? Contact a DUI lawyer in Atlanta!

Because law enforcement officers will be on high alert for motorists driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs this holiday season, our legal team at the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub is prepared to immediately provide the support and assistance local residents need when charged with DUI. We handle the full range of DUI cases, and provide representation during both ALS hearings and criminal proceedings.

If you or your loved one stands accused of driving under the influence, place your trust in a firm that has successfully handled numerous DUI cases. Call (404) 907-1536 to schedule a consultation.