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DUI Checkpoints in Albany, GA a Success

DUI Checkpoints in Albany, GA a Success


This past weekend, law enforcement officers in Albany, Georgia conducted several successful DUI checkpoints and saturation patrols. The anti-DUI efforts were part of a statewide program designed to keep public roadways safe by arresting those who drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

On Friday and Saturday – from the early evening to the early hours of the morning – local law enforcement officers set up several DUI checkpoints and increased the amount of officers on duty. Their goals were to identify and arrest any motorists who were driving under the influence. As part of this effort, several agencies – including the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the Georgia State Patrol, and the Albany Police Department – worked with Drug Recognition Expert students to identify drivers who exhibited signs of being under the influence of drugs and controlled substances. According to one official, any illegal drug or prescription medication that causes impairment make motorists less safe drivers. Officers also looked for signs of alcohol intoxication, checked vehicles to ensure that motorists wore seat belts, ensured that children were properly restrained, and checked if drivers had valid registration and license information.

Sobriety road checks were established at Jefferson Street and the Liberty Expressway. As noted by the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, these checkpoints and patrols are part of an anti-DUI campaign known as Operation Rolling Thunder. The campaign is in place specifically to combat the high rates of DUI accidents and the numerous injuries and fatalities that result from impaired drivers. According to an official from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the state of Georgia has already exceeded past yeas' death totals this year by five percent. The Governor's Office's goal is to reduce roadway and DUI related fatalities in Georgia to below 1,000.

Although DUI checkpoints are a regular occurrence in Atlanta and many other communities throughout Georgia, this was the first time the anti-DUI program was held in Albany. This weekend alone, Operation Rolling Thunder resulted in more than 200 citations and roughly 45 arrests in Albany.

DUI checkpoints are becoming an increasingly popular tool used by law enforcement officers throughout the nation. Regardless of the arrests they produce, driving under the influence still remains a top priority for officers throughout Atlanta and the state. When arrests are made, individuals can expect aggressive prosecution and severe penalties that include hefty fines and costly long term expenses, probation, court ordered classes, possible terms of imprisonment, driver's license suspensions and restrictions, and other consequences. Criminal proceedings and administrative hearings concerning driver's license penalties are also conducted independently from one another, a fact that tends to cause considerable strain to those who stand accused. At the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub, however, our legal team makes it a point to handle all DUI matters – including both criminal cases and driver's license hearings – on behalf of our clients and keep them well informed throughout each stage of the process.

If you or someone you know has recently been arrested in Atlanta or any of the surrounding communities, please be aware that you have the right to fight these allegations and that you should never simply plead guilty without consulting an experienced Atlanta DUI attorney from our firm. Learn more about the charges you face and how our legal team can help defend your freedom and future. Contact the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub to discuss your case.