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DUI Suspect Arrested After Crashing into MARTA Bus

DUI Suspect Arrested After Crashing into MARTA Bus


Earlier this week, a driver was taken into custody under suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) after he crashed his vehicle into a Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) bus. The incident took place shortly before 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, near College Avenue in the Kirkwood neighborhood of northeast Atlanta. Reports state that the suspected drunk driver rear ended the bus as it was traveling west on Rocky Ford Road. According to local law enforcement officers, only two people were inside the bus at the time of the collision; a bus driver and a trainee.

Officials say that the bus driver and trainee were taken to a nearby medical facility used by MARTA for a precautionary checkup. The driver of the vehicle was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The driver was later taken into custody and is being charged with driving under the influence and driving too close. According to officials from the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, there were minimal damages to the bus and approximately $4,500 in damages to the car.

While being charged with any DUI offense should prompt an individual into seeking experienced legal representation, cases that involve aggravating circumstances – such as in this particular incident – demand the attention of a seasoned Atlanta DUI attorney as soon as possible. DUIs that result in accidents and / or injuries are taken extremely serious by law enforcement officers and prosecutors. As a result, individuals who are accused of a DUI in which an accident or injury also occurred can face heightened charges and penalties. If you, your loved one, or someone you care about is facing allegations for DUI involving an accident or injury, waste no time in finding the proven representation you need at the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub.