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GA Officials Tour State for July 4 Zero Tolerance DUI Campaign

GA Officials Tour State for July 4 Zero Tolerance DUI Campaign


As part of Georgia's efforts to crack down on drunk and impaired driving this week, the Governor's Office of Highway Safety announced that they will be touring the state to remind local residents of their Fourth of July Zero Tolerance campaign.

Operation Zero Tolerance is part of a nationwide effort designed to reduce the high rates of DUI accidents, injuries, and fatalities that commonly occur during this time of year. Law enforcement agencies throughout Georgia will be participating in the week-long crack down and will also be touring the state this week.

Officials from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Public safety will be speaking to Georgians about the dangers of impaired driving and explaining how the campaign will place officers throughout the state on high alert for drunk drivers and boat operators.

Officials began their tour yesterday and will be speaking at Columbus regional airport Flightways, the Middle Georgia Regional Airport in Albany, Signature Flight in Savannah, the Georgia State Patrol Hangar at Augusta Regional Airport, and the Southwest Georgia Regional Airport in Albany, among other venues.

With heightened DUI patrols throughout the state this week, local residents in Atlanta and across the region should be aware that the penalties that come with a DUI conviction are nothing to take lightly. Although possible terms of imprisonment, large fines and ongoing costs, probation, and driver's license suspensions can be harsh, there is always the possibility that these consequences can be avoided or mitigated with the assistance of seasoned Atlanta DUI attorneys. Contact the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub to learn more about DUI defense.