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Georgia's Operation Zero Tolerance Nets 300 DUI Arrests

Georgia's Operation Zero Tolerance Nets 300 DUI Arrests


This past weekend, law enforcement agencies throughout the state of Georgia participated in a nationwide campaign to crack down on DUIs. Operation Zero Tolerance, as the program was officially known, was designed specifically to reduce to the prevalence of DUIs and alcohol-related accidents, injuries, and fatalities during the Fourth of July weekend. Historically, July 4th and the days before and after the holiday account for some of the highest rates of motor vehicle collisions, a fact many contribute to the abundance of intoxicated and impaired motorists on the road. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Fourth of July is also one of the deadliest days on public roads and highways.

This year, Georgia officers across the state reported successful results during the 102-hour Operation Zero Tolerance. From Wednesday, July 3 to Sunday, July 7, agencies increased DUI patrols and conducted DUI checkpoints at various locations. Statewide, Georgia officers made more than 16,600 traffic stops and arrested 300 motorists for driving under the influence.

During Operation Zero Tolerance, there were 11 reported fatalities. None of these fatal traffic accidents occurred in Gwinnett County. Last year during the states anti-DUI campaign – which lasted only 30 hours – there were two reported fatalities, more than 150 traffic accidents, and roughly 120 injuries. Given the success of the campaign, Georgia officers will likely continue anti-DUI efforts in the future, particularly during holidays.

If you or someone you care about has been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is of the utmost importance that you take swift action to protect yourself from harsh criminal and driver's license penalties. At the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub, our Atlanta DUI attorneys are skilled in defending clients from a variety of DUI allegations, including first-time DUIs, underage DUIs, and multiple DUI offenses. Whatever your particular case may involve, you can be confident that when you choose to work with our firm, you will have proven and passionate legal minds by your side. Contact our firm to discuss your case.