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Georgia Cracks Down on DUIs During Holiday Week

Georgia Cracks Down on DUIs During Holiday Week


As part of a nationwide initiative to reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities caused by impaired drivers, law enforcement agencies across Georgia are prepping for a 10-day DUI crackdown over the Fourth of July holiday week.

According to the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the national anti-DUI campaign – officially dubbed Operation Zero Tolerance – is designed to keep public roads and highways safe. Fourth of July is statistically one of the most dangerous times of the year on Georgia roadways and on roadways throughout the country. In the past two years, the Peach State has averaged 88 alcohol-related crashes between July 3 and July 5.

In Atlanta and cities across the state, law enforcement officers are gearing up for checkpoints and saturation patrols in places with high rates of DUI arrests. Operation Zero Tolerance is set to begin tomorrow, Friday, June, 28 and will run through July 7.

With law enforcement officers on high alert this coming week, DUI arrests are likely to rise. Fortunately, those who have been charged with driving under the influence can find bold and experienced advocates at the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub. Equipped with more than 35 years of experience, our Atlanta DUI lawyers have the skills and insight to defend clients against even the most serious criminal allegations.

We know that law enforcement officers are keen on securing arrests when they enact programs such as this Holiday patrol, and in their zealousness, they often make mistakes. Give yourself a fighting chance and allow a member of our legal team to review your case, inform you of your rights, and explain precisely how we can help.