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Driver Speeds 100 mph, Passenger Dies in Accident

Driver Speeds 100 mph, Passenger Dies in Accident


A 21-year-old Jonesboro man was accused of driving more than 100 mph and killing his friend.. According to Clayton County Police officers, the man admitted to drinking beer and 70-proof liquor before getting behind the wheel of his car and driving 113 mph on Interstate 75. The accident occurred when the car flipped over. A witness tried to help the driver and his friend. He said, "I'm like, 'Are you okay? Are you okay?' he's like, 'He's fine.' And I'm asking if anybody was with him and he said somebody else with him."

The passenger's body was found several feet away from the vehicle. "I just seen somebody flying past me," continued the witness. After the jeep flipped over and crashed, the man immediately tried to help the driver and his friend. "First thing I tried to do was try to rip the door open," he said. According to police, the driver admitted to drinking alcohol before he got into the car. However, the man's mother claims that she has medical records to prove that her son wasn't drunk. The driver faces charges of vehicular homicide.

Although the man allegedly admitted to consuming beer and liquor, he doesn't face any alcohol-related allegations. Instead, he faces charges of vehicular homicide, driving on a suspended license, and reckless driving. A judge explained in a recent court appearance with the driver that the driver's license was originally suspended for driving more than 90 mph. The judge indicated "that [the driver] operated a vehicle in speeds in excess of 90 mph." At the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub, we are committed to helping clients avoid unnecessary DUI convictions. If you've been arrested for drunk driving or a related offense, contact our team of Atlanta DUI lawyers today.