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Drunk Driving with a Commercial Drivers' License

Drunk Driving with a Commercial Drivers' License


Drunk driving is a serious crime with serious consequences – especially if you're a commercial driver. If you have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL), you can be held to a higher standard of driver than typical motorists. For example: did you know that it is illegal for commercial drivers to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .04% or higher. In the United States, it is illegal to operate any vehicle with a BAC of .08% or higher, but commercial drivers can be arrested for operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) with a BAC that is half of this amount.

If convicted of driving a CMV under the influence of alcohol, you could lose your CMV license for one year. You could also lose your license for a year for refusing to take a blood alcohol test, driving a CMV with under the influence of any amount of alcohol, or driving a CMV under the influence of a controlled substance. The term controlled substance can refer to illegal drugs or heavy prescription medication. Other serious CMV crimes include:

  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Committing a felony crime with a CMV
  • Driving on a suspended CDL
  • Causing a fatality by negligently operating a CMV

If you've been arrested for driving a CMV under the influence of alcohol, contact the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub today. If you drive CMVs for a living, your job, livelihood, and career are completely dependent on whether or not you retain your license. That's why our firm is dedicated to helping commercial drivers keep their licenses after a DUI arrest. Contact our office today to get the hard-hitting, seasoned, and skilled DUI defense of our attorneys on your side. The sooner we hear from you, the faster our Atlanta DUI attorneys can create a strategy for your case.