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City Councilwoman Pleads "Not Guilty" to DUI Charge

City Councilwoman Pleads "Not Guilty" to DUI Charge


After a DUI arrest on Wednesday, an Atlanta City Councilwoman will enter a "not guilty" plea to charges of drunk driving. Law enforcement arrested the woman after she allegedly ran a stop sign, drove in the wrong lane, and admitted to having a few drinks before driving her car. The councilwoman was bonded out of jail for $3,355. Now, the woman's attorney says that she will plead not guilty to the charges held against her.

According to police reports, the councilwoman "seemed very distant/out of it and had a very slow reaction to [the officer's] questions. She had glassy eyes and was squinting." The report also indicated that the woman couldn't figure out how to operate the door of her car. "She could not find the door handle to exit the car," law enforcement indicated, "In fact she was turning the car on and off in an attempt to exit the car."

The officer also reported that the councilwoman appeared to have a difficult time understanding the situation, and that she refused to submit to field sobriety testing. She is currently due to appear in court on June 11th. Although the arresting officer claims that the woman admitted to drinking, her attorney doesn't believe that prosecutors have enough evidence to secure a conviction.

The councilwoman's defense noted that, "it's not illegal to drink and drive in Georgia. It is only illegal to drive impaired. We are asserting she was not an impaired driver." Click here to learn more about DUI charges and DUI defense in Atlanta, Georgia. If you were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol of drugs, a skilled Atlanta DUI defense lawyer from Weintraub & Alper Legal. can help you avoid the consequences of a conviction.