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Insurance Implications of DUI

Insurance Implications of DUI


After a DUI arrest, you must keep in mind that the implications of a conviction will last much longer than the time that you might spend in jail. While you do not need to notify your auto insurance carrier immediately after your DUI arrest, you must keep in mind the possibility that you will not win your case. If you are successful in winning your DUI case, then your charges might be reduced to a DUI plea bargain and you may be able to avoid having to contact your insurance company.

Can My Insurance Company Find Out About My DUI Before I Tell Them?

Keep in mind, however, that insurance companies have a way of finding out about your DUI even if you have chosen to not share that information. The first way that an insurance company can find out about your DUI is by running a check of your DMV record. This is the normal procedure when your policy is up for renewal or when you decide to apply for new coverage. At this time, the auto insurance company will be able to see all DUI convictions that have happened in the last ten years.

Additionally, if you have failed to appear for any of your hearings, this FTA notice will appear on your record for a ten-year period. Your insurance company will be able to see that you have failed to appear, which is a key sign that you have been accused of a DUI. Why should you worry about your insurance company learning of your DUI charge or conviction? Automobile liability coverage is issued by private insurance companies who are only concerned with maintaining a high profit, and these profits are decreased when they have to pay out on claims for the people they insure.

The Georgia Department of Driver Services may attempt to suspend your driver's license prior to the resolution of your DUI case if they learn about your charges. In these cases, even if your DUI charges are reduced or dismissed, you may still suffer a dramatic premium increase. It is impossible to predict the exact effect that a DUI conviction will have on your insurance premiums. In order to be on the safe side, you should always take action to fight your DUI charges and avoid a conviction in the first place.

Get an Experienced Attorney on Your Side

After a DUI arrest, the first thing you should do is contact a lawyer who you can trust to look after your best interests and fight to protect your rights. Contact Weintraub & Alper Legal. for help from a team with more than 35 years of combined criminal defense experience. Our team is ready to go to bat to prove your innocence and to help you move past your charges without the consequences of higher insurance premiums, jail time, and costly fines.

Don't wait to get help. Contact our firm today to get started on your case.