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Driver Crashes into Pharmacy, Resumes Drinking at Bar Next Door

Driver Crashes into Pharmacy, Resumes Drinking at Bar Next Door


According to police, a man in northeast Atlanta drove into a pharmacy, only to continue drinking at a bar next door. The incident occurred early Friday morning after 3:00 am. The 38-year-old suspect said that he lost control of his vehicle while trying to turn left and accidentally slammed into the front window of a pharmacy after skipping the curb and barely missing a DUI school in the same parking lot.

Witnesses called 911 and by the time responding officers reached the scene, the driver had walked away from the wreck to bar next door.

"The driver was sitting at the bar drinking a beer," police said, "We then escorted the driver outside after he paid for his tab." State patrol officers arrested the man, who now faces allegations of driving under the influence.

Even though the incident caused significant damage and repairs are pending, the pharmacy opened its doors for business the next morning – only hours after the accident. According to the store manager, the pharmacy carried medication for transplant and cancer patients. "Sometimes, only certain pharmacies have the medications due to the high costs of them," she said.

More Information About DUI Cases in Atlanta, Georgia

Continue reading our blog to learn more about DUI cases and DUI defense in Atlanta. At the Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub, we are committed to helping those who were falsely or unfairly accused of drunk driving. At the firm, we know that driving under the influence is never okay, but facing a wrongful conviction isn't right either. If you or someone you love was arrested, contact our office today and schedule a consultation.

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