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Roswell PD Receives Grant for DUI Enforcement

Roswell PD Receives Grant for DUI Enforcement


Last month, the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) in Atlanta announced that the Roswell Police Department was selected to receive a Georgia Highway Safety Grant. The grant is funded by a federal grant program and provides Roswell PD with $8,000 to be used in compliance with Georgia State law.

As law enforcement officers throughout the state of Georgia are intent on fighting high rates of alcohol-related auto accidents, this particular grant will be used to achieve a statewide goal of reducing drunk driving injuries and fatalities. Enforcement efforts will also be used to increase awareness about the dangers of driving under the influence (DUI).

The Captain of the Roswell Police Department has stated that grant money will be used to purchase new chemical testing equipment. Specifically, old models of breathalyzers will be replaced with new models selected by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) Division of Forensic Sciences. Officers will also receive training on how to use the new devices in the field.

Throughout the state, local law enforcement agencies have united in the statewide anti-DUI campaign Operation Zero Tolerance. DUI enforcement – as highlighted by Roswell PD's focused allocation of the Georgia Highway Safety Grant – has become a priority for officers throughout the state. This means that motorists in Atlanta and the surrounding communities face increased DUI patrols, aggressive prosecution, and harsh penalties upon conviction.

If you or your loved one has recently been arrested for DUI, contact a DUI attorney in Atlanta for the experienced representation and support you need. Discuss your case with a member of our legal team by calling The Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub at (404) 907-1536.