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Georgia Law Enforcement Agencies Crack Down on Labor Day Weekend DUIs

Georgia Law Enforcement Agencies Crack Down on Labor Day Weekend DUIs


Labor Day has come to mark the unofficial end of summer. For many, this may mean getting on the road, getting together with friends, and just enjoying good weather before fall. Because of increased roadway traffic – and because holiday weekends often record high rates of alcohol-related accidents and deaths – law enforcement agencies across Georgia and other neighboring states will be increasing their focus on motorists who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As part of the anti-DUI effort, officials from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) announced that Georgia law enforcement has partnered with police from 5 neighboring states as part of its annual Hands Across the Border campaign. The campaign will consist of Georgia law enforcement working closely with police in communities near state lines to crack down on impaired driving. Authorities will also be on the lookout for fugitives, drug offenders, drivers with outstanding warrants, drivers without a license, uninsured drivers, and other motorists committing violations.

The campaign will remain in effect for six days leading up to Labor Day weekend and will include sobriety checkpoints and increased patrols. In addition to the Hands Across the Border effort, law enforcement throughout in cities across state will also be focusing on arresting motorists suspected of driving under the influence throughout Labor Day weekend.

Statistically, weekends and holidays record higher rates of DUI accidents, injuries, and deaths than other times during the week or during the year. While Labor Day weekend has become a last hoorah for summer, state officials want to remind everyone to celebrate safely and responsibly. All Georgia motorists should remember that there is a significant increase in DUI patrols this week.

If you or someone you love is facing DUI charges in Atlanta or any of the surrounding communities in Georgia, you need an experienced and proven attorney on your side. To learn more about your case and how an Atlanta DUI lawyer from Weintraub & Alper Legal. can help, call 404-907-1536 for a consultation.