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Georgia Authorities Make Hundreds of DUI Arrests Over Fourth of July Weekend

Georgia Authorities Make Hundreds of DUI Arrests Over Fourth of July Weekend


According to statistics, the Fourth of July weekend sees some of the highest rates of alcohol-related traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths. As a result, law enforcement officers across the nation increase their focus on DUIs during the holiday weekend and arrest numerous motorists for driving under the influence each year.

This year, authorities throughout Atlanta and the state of Georgia ramped up their efforts to arrest drivers under the influence by increasing patrols and road-checks. The increased enforcement period ran from 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 3 to midnight on Sunday, July 6.

Authorities have not provided exact numbers for arrests, but sources show that hundreds of drivers were arrested for DUI statewide. A total of 36 boating under the influence (BUI) arrests were also made over the weekend. In addition, officials from the Georgia Department of Public Safety have stated that 11 traffic deaths occurred during the Fourth of July weekend. Data from last year's increased DUI enforcement period include:

  • 1.150 investigated traffic accidents
  • 564 reported injuries & 5 deaths
  • 9,849 citations issued
  • 18,477 warnings
  • 359 DUI arrests

Although the increased DUI enforcement period has ended, Atlanta law enforcement agencies and prosecutors still make driving under the influence one of their top priorities. If you or someone you love has been arrested for DUI this past Fourth of July weekend or at any other time, acting fast and contacting an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer is essential to protecting your rights, freedom, and future.

At Weintraub & Alper Legal., our legal team is available to immediately review your case. To learn more about your charges and how our DUI attorneys can help, contact our firm or fill out a case evaluation form today.