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Super Bowl DUI Statistics Put Authorities on High Alert

Super Bowl DUI Statistics Put Authorities on High Alert


With the Super Bowl fast approaching this Sunday, many law enforcement officers across Atlanta, the state of George, and the entire country are gearing up for an increase in impaired drivers. That's because the most watched sporting event of the year also makes for more dangerous roadways.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 43% of all traffic fatalities on Super Bowl Sunday were the result drunk driving. This is compared to the roughly 31% of traffic deaths caused by alcohol during the rest of the year.

Statistics like these have prompted many law enforcement agencies to step up efforts for stopping and arresting motorists who drive under the influence. In Atlanta and surrounding communities officers will be conducting saturation patrols and looking for signs of driver impairment, including swerving, reckless maneuvers, and unsafe speeds.

If you plan on enjoying the Super Bowl with a few drinks, it's best to make plans for a ride before the game or designate a sober driver. As authorities will be on the lookout, your risks of being pulled over increase. Here are a few quick tips if you're stopped or arrested for DUI:

  • Be polite to officers, do not resist arrest
  • Remember you have the right to remain silent
  • You can face automatic license suspension for refusing a chemical test
  • You only have 10 days to request an ALS / DDS hearing after an arrest
  • Contact a lawyer as soon as possible after your arrest

At Weintraub & Alper Legal., we've worked with many clients who were arrested for DUI during periods of increased enforcement. If you or someone you know would like more information about your case and defense, contact our firm today.