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Reinstatement of Driver's License After a Georgia DUI

Reinstatement of Driver's License After a Georgia DUI


If you have been arrested and accused of DUI in Georgia, you may be facing a suspension of your driver’s license. In fact, if you have refused to take a chemical test, license suspension is a guarantee. This can be a stressful prospect, especially if you rely on your driving privileges to get you to and from work. Below is a brief list of frequently asked questions concerning reinstatement of your driving privileges after a DUI in Georgia.

What is Georgia’s implied consent law?

Georgia’s implied consent law states that drivers are presumed to automatically give consent for chemical testing if they are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If the driver refuses to take the test, he or she will automatically have his or her driver’s license suspended for at least one year.

How long will my license be suspended for a first DUI offense?

For your first offense in five years, you will face a license suspension of 12 months. However, you may be eligible to apply for reinstatement after 120 days if you meet the requirements listed below.

What are the requirements of reinstatement?

In order for persons 21 years or older to have their driver’s license reinstated, the following criteria must be met: the license must have been suspended for at least 120 days, the individual must present a certificate of completion of a Department of Driver Services-approved DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction program, and the individual must submit a reinstatement fee payment by mail or in person.

You May Be Able to Protect Your License!

A DUI is a serious matter that requires serious representation. By contacting an Atlanta DUI attorney early, you may be able to avoid losing your driving privileges by filing a hearing with the Georgia DDS within 10 days after your arrest. You must act quickly to secure representation for this hearing! If you fail to schedule a hearing, you could lose your driving privileges for up to 18 months.

Take immediate action to protect your driver’s license by calling Weintraub & Alper Legal. Our office can be reached at (404) 907-1536, or fill out an online contact form to get started.