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What Happens if You Violate Probation in Georgia?

What Happens if You Violate Probation in Georgia?


Violating Probation in Georgia

Gavel and handcuffs - what happens when you violate probation

If you have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense in Georgia, you may be sentenced to a period of probation during which you will have to abide by certain rules and requirements. If you violate any of the terms of your probation, a warrant may be issued for your arrest and you may face penalties.

Arrested for violating probation? Discuss your options with our Atlanta probation lawyer.

Ways to Violate Probation

There are three ways to violate probation in Georgia:

  • Technical violations
  • Special condition violations
  • Substantive violations

Technical Violation

A technical violation means that an individual has failed to meet a technical condition of their probation, such as:

  • Failing to pay fines or fees
  • Failing to pay restitution
  • Failing to report to their probation officer
  • Leaving the jurisdiction

Special Condition Violation

A special condition violation occurs when an individual fails to fulfill a special condition of their probation, such as maintaining suitable employment, having no contact with the subject of a restraining order, etc.

Substantive Violation

Finally, a substantive violation occurs when an individual is arrested because they have committed another criminal offense while on probation.

Penalty for Violating Probation

The following are possible penalties for violating probation:

  • Revocation of probation
  • Extension of probation
  • Incarceration
  • Heavy fines
  • Additional community service
  • Additional special conditions
  • Required drug or psychological counseling

A person who violates their probation will be required to attend a court hearing, where a judge will determine whether a violation occurred and determine the appropriate punishment. In order to protect yourself, you should be represented by an attorney who can refute the evidence brought against you and negotiate on your behalf.

Accused of Violating Probation? Begin Building Your Defense

If you have been accused of violating your probation, get a violation probation attorney to represent you and protect your best interests. Weintraub & Alper Legal. has more than 55 years of combined experience defending the rights of the accused in Georgia since 1985. A former federal prosecutor, Attorney Howard J. Weintraub has the experience and ability to handle even the most challenging cases. You can feel confident in our ability to fight for the best outcome possible in your case.

Speak with an Atlanta probation violation attorney about your probation matter today!