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Don't Drink & Drive This Halloween

Don't Drink & Drive This Halloween

Like many other major holidays in America, Halloween sees a marked increase in preventable accidents – many of which involve alcohol. In fact, statistics have shown that holidays see far higher rates of alcohol-related accidents, injuries, and deaths than other days of the year. The same holds true for Halloween.

Halloween is not only enjoyed by children; it is also a holiday many adults choose to celebrate by attending parties and drinking alcohol. With more people drinking and more pedestrians on the streets (including large numbers of young trick-or-treaters), law enforcement agencies are keenly aware of the need to increase enforcement to protect public safety. This is why officers throughout Atlanta and the state of Georgia will be on the lookout for people committing the following alcohol-related crimes:

  • DUI, including under 21 DUIs
  • Driving under the influence of drugs
  • DUI with child passengers
  • Underage drinking
  • Domestic violence
  • Assault & battery

Don’t ruin your Halloween with a criminal charge. Keep these tips in mind to keep your Halloween from turning into a real nightmare:

  • If you plan to consume alcohol, plan a safe way home before you begin drinking.
  • If you are impaired and do not have a designated driver, be sure to call a friend or family member for a ride or use public transportation.
  • If you are pulled over and arrested on suspicion of DUI, invoke your right to remain silent and immediately call an attorney.

If you find yourself in need of an attorney this Halloween, Weintraub & Alper Legal. is available to help you. Our Atlanta DUI lawyers have helped protect the rights and futures of hundreds of clients charged with driving under the influence. Contact our firm today.