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5 Of The Most Common Crimes Students Commit

5 Of The Most Common Crimes Students Commit

Most students are back in school for the academic year. Being back around friends every day can be a lot of fun for students, but can also lead to trouble. Peer pressure is one of the leading reasons why juveniles commit crimes. Let’s go over five of the most common crimes that students commit and some warning signs that your child may be involved in one or more of these activities.

Common Juvenile Crimes in Georgia

Many teenagers and young adults engage in behaviors that could lead to criminal charges.

Some of the most common juvenile offenses include:

  • Underage drinking and other alcohol offenses
  • Possession of marijuana
  • Possession of a fake ID
  • Shoplifting
  • Vandalism

A minor may be arrested for any of these offenses and their case will be handled through the juvenile court system. This court system operates differently than the adult system, but there are still real consequences to being adjudicated guilty of a juvenile crime.

For more serious offenses, a juvenile may be waived to the adult court system where they will be treated as an adult even though they are under 18 years old. 

Signs Your Child May Be Involved in Criminal or Unsafe Activity

It can be hard to keep tabs on your teenage children, especially as they grow more and more independent.

Look out for these warning signs that your child may be involved in trouble:

  • A sudden drop in grades
  • Poor mental health
  • Secretive behavior
  • Getting into more trouble at school or other places
  • Irritability
  • Increases in risk-taking behaviors

What To Do If Your Child Was Arrested

If your child is facing charges, contact our team at Weintraub & Alper Legal. Even a juvenile offense can have lasting consequences that affect your child’s future opportunities. We understand the importance of keeping your criminal record clear and will work diligently to help prevent your child’s mistakes from becoming larger legal issues. Contact us today at (404) 907-1536 or click here to reach us online.