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How The Latest TikTok Trend Can Lead to Criminal Charges for Your Child

How The Latest TikTok Trend Can Lead to Criminal Charges for Your Child

TikTok trends seem to come and go by the week. While some are completely harmless, others put young children at risk of criminal charges. Last fall, the ‘devious licks’ challenge led to dozens of juveniles facing criminal charges for stealing school property. So, what’s the latest trend that you should look out for? Read on to find out.

The Orbeez Challenge

The latest online trend is called the Orbeez Challenge. This challenge involves individuals shooting soaked gel pellets (Orbeez) from air guns toward bystanders or cars. Orbeez are a children’s toy used for sensory play. However, these gel pellets can cause serious injuries to unsuspecting passersby when traveling at high speeds.

Not only can this trend cause physical harm, but it can also put the children in possession of air guns at risk. These toy guns have been designed and modified to resemble real firearms, which can make the individual holding the weapon appear to be a real threat. Police officers or bystanders may step in and use force to stop what they believe to be a real shooting. This could result in fatal consequences.

Potential Criminal Charges for The Orbeez Challenge

Multiple arrests have already been made in connection to the viral Orbeez Challenge.

So far, juveniles have been charged with:

  • Possessing instruments of a crime
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Reckless endangerment
  • Harassment
  • Aggravated assault
  • Simple battery

In some cases, the parents of the juveniles have also been held liable and charged for their child’s behavior.

Speaking with Your Child About Dangerous TikTok Trends

Parents of teenagers know – it’s hard to get them to listen. However, it’s crucial that you speak with your child about the risks of participating in viral TikTok trends that could lead to injury and/or criminal charges. We encourage you to speak with your children about the potential consequences of participating in the #OrbeezChallenge.

Atlanta, Georgia Juvenile Defense

If your child has recently been reprimanded and charged by law enforcement, contact Weintraub & Alper Legal. We understand that kids make mistakes, and we want to ensure that your child’s mistake doesn’t become a part of their permanent record. Call us today: (404) 907-1536.