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Who Investigates Federal Fraud Crimes?

Who Investigates Federal Fraud Crimes?


Fraud and other white-collar crimes are less easily detected than offenses like DUI or drug possession. You may be wondering, who looks into these serious cases of fraud? Our team at Weintraub & Alper Legal wants to share important information about federal fraud crime investigations and cases.

Federal Fraud Offenses

You may be surprised how many offenses can be classified as federal fraud crimes. Cases involving tax fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, and more may all be federal crimes.

When it comes to investigating federal fraud, numerous federal agencies look into suspicious activities or reports of fraud.

Some examples include:

  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • The U.S. Secret Service
  • U.S. Postal Inspection Service
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
  • The Securities Exchange Commission

Additionally, within each of these large organizations, there are smaller task forces that look into specific types of fraud offenses. For example, Cyber Fraud Task Forces formed within the U.S. Secret Service. In the last two years, task forces have been formed to focus on COVID-19 fraud involving unemployment claims and other loans given during the pandemic.

How to Fight a Federal Fraud Charge

Federal law enforcement agencies have endless resources available that they can use to investigate individuals suspected of fraud. This allows them to build very strong cases before the suspect is even aware that they are going to be charged.

Going up against these powerful agencies is intimidating, and you must have an experienced defense attorney. Federal cases operate differently than state-level cases and you want to ensure that you work with a defense attorney that has federal experience. At Weintraub & Alper Legal, our team has experience on both sides of the federal system as the prosecution and as the defense. This unique knowledge makes us the team you want by your side as you fight a federal criminal charge.

Federal Fraud Defense in Georgia

As soon as you have reason to believe that you are under federal investigation, contact us at Weintraub & Alper Legal. You may be contacted by a federal officer, receive a target letter, or be indicted. In any case, you want to get started on your defense as early as possible. We can help.