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Atlanta Extortion Defense Lawyer

Are You Facing Extortion Charges?

Our experienced and highly skilled law firm has the resources to mount an effective defense against any federal charges that you may be facing, including extortion. With a former federal prosecutor on our team, we are very familiar with the sentencing guidelines in federal cases and often can introduce mitigating factors to get less prison time, early releases, and a reduction in charges or complete dismissal. If you have been charged with extortion, we may be able to help you fight the charge and get the best possible results. Get in touch with an Atlanta extortion defense attorney at Weintraub & Alper Legal as soon as possible so that we can review the charges against you and help you decide in which direction to go.

If you are facing charges for extortion, turn to our Atlanta extortion defense lawyer for defense. Contact us today!

Extortion, conspiracy and embezzlement are some of the offenses that form the category of federal white collar crimes. Extortion can be either a state or federal crime and is related most often to public corruption and organized crime. As a federal crime, the three specific types of extortion include:

  • Blackmail
  • Using the postal system to deliver a communication with the intent of committing extortion or blackmail
  • Receiving, concealing, disposing of or possessing the proceeds of extortion

Our firm is well versed in all types of federal crime and regularly works with federal prosecutors and judges. Due to the enormous resources available to the prosecutors who are charging you, it is very important that you retain a bold and hard-hitting legal firm such as ours to fight the tactics they may use against you.

Count on Experience When Faced With Extortion Charges

Our tough Atlanta extortion defense attorneys have over 55 years of combined experience, are AV® rated and have been designated as “Super Lawyers.” We vigorously use every available method to defend the rights of our clients and are proud of our successful results.

Arrested for extortion? Weintraub & Alper Legal can provide you with the defense you deserve. Contact us today!

Real Client Stories

We Will Fight For You Too
    I owe Ben and Howard so much and cannot begin to thank them enough.
    “I cannot begin to say enough about the professionalism and tenacity that Ben and Howard should during my case.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Stop calling other attorneys!
    “Benjamin Alper’s character continually reaffirmed my initial feelings throughout the entire process.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard sure knows how to pick a great partner for his firm.
    “What I truly value at this Law Firm is that you not only a case number, but a person there life's are at stake.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard Wewintraub and Benjamin Alper did a phenomenal job representing me.
    “What a great team these lawyers are and I am so satisfied that I hired Howard and Ben to represent me.”
    - R. Web
    A Great Lawyer but a Greater Person
    “Ben did not turn away; he walked with me through things that, while unimaginable, were reality.”
    - Millie P.
    Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper were sent by God to help me!
    “It is a privilege to have Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper represent me. And they did so for free and got a great result!”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard Weintraub did a masterful job representing me.
    “Mr. Weintraub’s handling of this matter can only be described as MASTERFUL. I can never adequately express my gratitude to attorney Howard Weintraub.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    The Absolute Best
    “My conviction was reversed and he saved my life! 10 years later my wife got in some trouble and he delivered again!”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Son's life and career saved
    “Howard and his entire team are OUTSTANDING. I can't imagine being in better hands in a court of law. He earned every penny of his fee.”
    - Carl

Why Choose Our Firm?

We Have the Desire to Fight
  • Howard J. Weintraub and Benjamin B. Alper have a 10.0 Superb Rating by Avvo
  • Howard J. Weintraub Has Received Commendations From the FBI, IRS, & U.S. Attorney General
  • Our Firm Has Over 55 Years of Combined Legal Experience
  • Howard J. Weintraub is an Experienced Former Federal Prosecutor