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Underage DUI

Atlanta Underage DUI Lawyer

Consequences of DUI Below the Age of 21

For many people under 21 years of age, a DUI arrest may be their first encounter with the law. Prosecutors may say they are here to help you, or that you can trust them. But prosecutors and members of law enforcement are tasked with upholding the law—they are not responsible for protecting you from the consequences of a DUI conviction.

Your DUI charge may result in a jail sentence, hefty fines, probation, and driver's license suspension. The only thing that may truly protect you from these harsh punishments is a skilled legal professional. At Weintraub & Alper Legal, our Atlanta underage DUI lawyers offer 55+ years of criminal defense experience to clients facing charges of driving under the influence.

Arrested for drunk driving while underage? We have handled thousands of DUI cases. Contact our firm today to start discussing your defense!

Georgia Underage DUI Law

In the state of Georgia, there are two different “types” of DUI charges, namely DUI “per se” and DUI less-safe. When a driver under the age of 21 is arrested with a BAC level of .02% or more, they can face a DUI “per-se” charge. If an underage driver refuses chemical testing and therefore there is no BAC measurement, they may still receive a DUI less-safe charge.

Have You Just Been Arrested for Driving Under the Influence?

DUI arrest procedure for individuals under the age of 21 is like any other DUI arrest. If officers suspect that individuals are under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the stop, they may ask the individuals to perform field sobriety tests or submit to chemical blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests. If officers believe a person is intoxicated, they may place them under arrest for DUI.

In many cases, a DUI arrest may result in the automatic suspension of your driver's license. If this has happened to you, take action immediately—you only have 10 days to schedule a hearing with the Georgia DDS before your license is automatically suspended for the full duration, which could be anywhere from 6 months to more than 1 year. The next step is to contact a DUI lawyer in Atlanta.

Why You Should Secure Legal Protection

As a driver under the age of 21, your risk of being arrested for DUI are much greater than a driver over the age of 21. Georgia law prohibits drivers under 21 to drive with a BAC of .02% or greater. This means that registering a .02% or higher on a BAC test may be cause for the officer to arrest you.

The punishments for underage DUI are as harsh as any, and include the following:

  • Minimum jail sentence of 24 hours
  • Monetary fines up to $1,000
  • 20+ hours of community service
  • Driver's license suspension

The fact that you may have been wrongfully arrested does not matter—you will have to make your case in court. Even if the evidence against you is misconstrued, or the officer violated your rights during the arrest, failing to prove your innocence in court may result in a conviction on your record.

Trust 55+ Years of DUI Defense and Criminal Law Experience

At Weintraub & Alper Legal, our legal team has helped clients work through some of the most complex criminal law issues an individual may encounter. Most people facing DUI charges fail to adequately defend themselves in court, and suffer the consequences of a criminal conviction as a result. Our Atlanta DUI attorneys not only provide effective defense against our clients' charges, but also help them pursue expungements of DUI charges to protect their record.

As former prosecutors, our team know the ins and outs of DUI law from both sides of the courtroom. It pays to know how the prosecution thinks. When you know what to expect in your DUI case, you may use it to your advantage as you fight for a case dismissal.

Facing charges for DUI while underage? Do not take chances with your future—schedule your case consultation with our firm today!

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    Howard sure knows how to pick a great partner for his firm.
    “What I truly value at this Law Firm is that you not only a case number, but a person there life's are at stake.”
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    The Absolute Best
    “My conviction was reversed and he saved my life! 10 years later my wife got in some trouble and he delivered again!”
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    Son's life and career saved
    “Howard and his entire team are OUTSTANDING. I can't imagine being in better hands in a court of law. He earned every penny of his fee.”
    - Carl
    Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper were sent by God to help me!
    “It is a privilege to have Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper represent me. And they did so for free and got a great result!”
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    Howard Wewintraub and Benjamin Alper did a phenomenal job representing me.
    “What a great team these lawyers are and I am so satisfied that I hired Howard and Ben to represent me.”
    - R. Web
    A Great Lawyer but a Greater Person
    “Ben did not turn away; he walked with me through things that, while unimaginable, were reality.”
    - Millie P.
    Howard Weintraub did a masterful job representing me.
    “Mr. Weintraub’s handling of this matter can only be described as MASTERFUL. I can never adequately express my gratitude to attorney Howard Weintraub.”
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    I owe Ben and Howard so much and cannot begin to thank them enough.
    “I cannot begin to say enough about the professionalism and tenacity that Ben and Howard should during my case.”
    - Criminal Defense Client

Why Choose Our Firm?

We Have the Desire to Fight
  • Howard J. Weintraub and Benjamin B. Alper have a 10.0 Superb Rating by Avvo
  • Howard J. Weintraub Has Received Commendations From the FBI, IRS, & U.S. Attorney General
  • Our Firm Has Over 55 Years of Combined Legal Experience
  • Howard J. Weintraub is an Experienced Former Federal Prosecutor