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Notable Distinctions of Attorney Weintraub

Other notable distinctions achieved by Mr. Weintraub during his tenure as a federal prosecutor include:

  • In January, 1980, Mr. Weintraub prosecuted the first criminal jury trial in the newly constructed United States Courthouse on Spring Street in Atlanta.
  • In 1983, Mr. Weintraub prosecuted an 11 week-long $1.5 million dollar international loan fraud scheme which, as of the date the jury verdict was returned on April 4, 1983, was the second longest jury trial ever prosecuted in the United States District Court in Atlanta.
  • In 1983, Mr. Weintraub also began the prosecution of, at that time, the largest bribe ever attempted in the history of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when he prosecuted two men for paying $500,000.00 in cash, together with promissory notes, to an IRS Agent. This bribe was paid in an effort to wipe out a $6 million dollar tax debt owed by one of the defendants and to also have the Agent terminate the IRS' probe of a tax-shelter scheme being promoted by that defendant.
  • In May-June, 1984, Mr. Weintraub's $1.5 million dollar international fraud case referred to above found itself before the House of Lords in England. Although the trial of five of the defendants in that case was completed, another defendant being prosecuted by Mr. Weintraub was a banker in London. This banker was fighting extradition to the United States where Mr. Weintraub was waiting to try him before a jury. The House of Lords decided this case in favor of extradition to the United States and the decision is reported in Great Britain as United States Government v. John H. McCaffery (H.I.(E.)), 1W.L.R. 867 (1984). This decision has become a leading authority cited worldwide on the applicability of the Extradition Treaties between the United States and England. Before the case made its way to the House of Lords, there was a lengthy sixty-page decision denying extradition written in the Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division in The High Court Of Justice issued on November 28, 1983.
  • Later in 1984, Mr. Weintraub was appointed to serve a two-year term as the District Election Officer for the Northern District of Georgia where he was responsible for coordinating the investigation and prosecution of federal voter fraud offenses within that district. This appointment was made as part of a nationwide law enforcement initiative to detect and prosecute federal voter fraud offenses.

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    Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper were sent by God to help me!
    “It is a privilege to have Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper represent me. And they did so for free and got a great result!”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    The Absolute Best
    “My conviction was reversed and he saved my life! 10 years later my wife got in some trouble and he delivered again!”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard sure knows how to pick a great partner for his firm.
    “What I truly value at this Law Firm is that you not only a case number, but a person there life's are at stake.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    A Great Lawyer but a Greater Person
    “Ben did not turn away; he walked with me through things that, while unimaginable, were reality.”
    - Millie P.
    I owe Ben and Howard so much and cannot begin to thank them enough.
    “I cannot begin to say enough about the professionalism and tenacity that Ben and Howard should during my case.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard Wewintraub and Benjamin Alper did a phenomenal job representing me.
    “What a great team these lawyers are and I am so satisfied that I hired Howard and Ben to represent me.”
    - R. Web
    Son's life and career saved
    “Howard and his entire team are OUTSTANDING. I can't imagine being in better hands in a court of law. He earned every penny of his fee.”
    - Carl
    Howard Weintraub did a masterful job representing me.
    “Mr. Weintraub’s handling of this matter can only be described as MASTERFUL. I can never adequately express my gratitude to attorney Howard Weintraub.”
    - Criminal Defense Client

Why Choose Our Firm?

We Have the Desire to Fight
  • Howard J. Weintraub and Benjamin B. Alper have a 10.0 Superb Rating by Avvo
  • Howard J. Weintraub Has Received Commendations From the FBI, IRS, & U.S. Attorney General
  • Our Firm Has Over 55 Years of Combined Legal Experience
  • Howard J. Weintraub is an Experienced Former Federal Prosecutor