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    Howard Weintraub did a masterful job representing me.
    “Mr. Weintraub’s handling of this matter can only be described as MASTERFUL. I can never adequately express my gratitude to attorney Howard Weintraub.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    “Howard Weintraub did a masterful job representing me.”
    I contacted Atlanta criminal defense attorney Howard Weintraub while police were in my home with a search warrant and confiscating all of my computers and cell phones. I was scared and unsure about what to do and say in response to the questioning of me by the police. My call to Mr. Weintraub was at 7a.m. and I expected to get his answering service but Mr. Weintraub unbelievably answered the phone! He advised me as to how to handle the search-what to do and what to say and what not to do and what not to say. I felt a great deal better just knowing he was involved with me from the beginning of my case. It is now several months later and I am happy to say my case is closed! No arrest, no charges, no plea deal, no trial, no anything. What could have forever changed my life for the worse has become a non event. Mr. Weintraub’s handling of this matter can only be described as MASTERFUL. I can never adequately express my gratitude to attorney Howard Weintraub. If you need a great criminal defense lawyer call Howard Weintraub.
    - Criminal Defense Client
    I owe Ben and Howard so much and cannot begin to thank them enough.
    “I cannot begin to say enough about the professionalism and tenacity that Ben and Howard should during my case.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    “I owe Ben and Howard so much and cannot begin to thank them enough.”
    I am a former client of Weintraub and Alper, and hiring them was one of the smartest things that I could have done. Facing the wrath of the Federal Government is something that no one should face by themselves. If you find yourself in this situation, I can say with 100% confidence, that Howard and Ben will be by your side every step of the way. I was part of a high profile case and Ben was my lead attorney. However, that does not mean that Howard sat on the sidelines while Ben took over. Howard was always there to answer all my questions, and in the courtroom, he made sure I fully understood what was going on and what to expect from the Judge and Prosecution. I cannot begin to say enough about the professionalism and tenacity that Ben and Howard should during my case. They both fought for my rights and did not waiver when the Government was seeking a higher than normal prison sentence. They showed their brilliance in court and convinced the judge that the Government was being unreasonable. I owe Ben and Howard so much and cannot begin to thank them enough. They are both fantastic at what they do, and I would have no hesitation recommending them to anyone
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard sure knows how to pick a great partner for his firm.
    “What I truly value at this Law Firm is that you not only a case number, but a person there life's are at stake.”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    “Howard sure knows how to pick a great partner for his firm.”
    My son was caught up in some Legal trouble almost 3 years ago. Possible charges where Felony's in a traffic accident. After I placed a call on a Sunday to the Law office, Howard personally called back within 10 minutes even he was out of state at the time. We discussed the situation in length. And later that day we met with his Partner Ben Alper in their Atlanta office. Now almost 3 years later and a lot of work from those 2 Lawyers our case got the best possible outcome. No record, no jail. no felony. And my son finally can move on with his life. What I truly value at this Law Firm is that you not only a case number, but a person there life's are at stake. And Howard sure knows how to pick a great partner for his firm.
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper were sent by God to help me!
    “It is a privilege to have Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper represent me. And they did so for free and got a great result!”
    - Criminal Defense Client
    “Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper were sent by God to help me!”
    In September of 2014, I appeared in Fulton County State Court to answer a calendar call on my case. I was being charged with DUI and I have had 3 prior DUI convictions over my lifetime. I am 49 years old. My case had been continued by Judge Eady and the prosecutor for me to hire an attorney to represent me. When Judge Eady called my case I stood up and when the prosecutor asked where my attorney was I stated that I had not retained an attorney, even though my case had been continued more than once for me to hire an attorney. The prosecutor became upset and stated to Judge Eady that she felt I was playing games by seeking continuances to have an attorney and then coming to court without an attorney. The Courtroom was completely full of defendants and their lawyers. There must have been 100 cases that day and maybe over 25 lawyers in the courtroom. Judge Eady asked me in front of the packed courtroom why I hadn’t hired an attorney when I had been given several continuances to hire an attorney. I answered that I couldn’t afford to hire an attorney as I had been going through a terrible emotional time in my life due to the suicide death of my teenage daughter that had occurred just a few weeks before the court date. At that moment a miracle happened!! One of the attorneys, who was sitting in the jury box which was full of attorneys appearing that day in court, stood up and said “Your Honor, Howard Weintraub, nice to see you again. I am here on my case that is on your calendar but after hearing what this gentleman has just stated, my heart goes out to him and his tragic loss and I announce that my partner, Benjamin Alper, and I will represent him pro bono, and not seek any compensation for our services.” Judge Eady thanked Howard for taking my case for fee and Howard then came over to me, hugged me in front of the packed courtroom and took me outside into an adjourning conference room to talk with me about the passing of my daughter and the facts of my case. Oh my God, I could not believe what was happening! Mr. Weintraub was sent to me by God! Now let me tell you what Howard and Ben (his partner) did for me. Howard and Ben met with me the next day and reviewed my case with me. Due to an oversight, the Department of Drivers’ Services had suspended my license. Ben contacted the Department of Drivers’ Services on my behalf and got my license reinstated that day! Given the nature of the charges and my past history, the prosecutor initially demanded that I serve 10 days in the Fulton County Jail. I decided to just take my lumps and move on with my life and do the time. However, on the day of Court, Ben spoke to the Judge and the prosecutor and got them to drop all of the jail. Another miracle! These guys are great! I cannot thank Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper enough for what they did for me. Howard and Ben are the two most compassionate people I have ever known. It is a privilege to have Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper represent me. And they did so for free and got a great result! God bless you Howard and Ben. Please hire Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper to be your attorneys.
    - Criminal Defense Client
    Howard Wewintraub and Benjamin Alper did a phenomenal job representing me.
    “What a great team these lawyers are and I am so satisfied that I hired Howard and Ben to represent me.”
    - R. Web
    “Howard Wewintraub and Benjamin Alper did a phenomenal job representing me.”
    In 2013, I was indicted by a federal grand jury for several drug related offenses and money laundering. Because of the quantity of drugs involved in my case and my criminal history, I was facing 40 years in federal prison. Through a lawyer contact in Atlanta, Georgia I was referred to the criminal defense team of Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper. What a great team these lawyers are and I am so satisfied that I hired Howard and Ben to represent me. From my initial appearance and bond hearing through the imposition of sentencing in my case, Howard and Ben did a truly superb job representing my interests, exploring each and every defense and argument that could be raised either to exonerate me or to mitigate against my punishment should I be convicted either following a guilty plea or following a jury trial. Some three years after commencing their representation of me, Howard, Ben and I agreed that a plea of guilty would be the appropriate and judicious way to proceed. The plea protected me from receiving, in effect, a life sentence. Although I was sentenced to a period of imprisonment, the length of time that I will serve is drastically less than the 40 years I could have received. I feel Howard and Ben did not fail to do anything in my defense. Throughout the three years of being represented by Howard and Ben both of these attorneys have remained true to their word in every aspect of my representation. Their task of representing me was very difficult due to my exposure of a lengthy prison sentence. Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper never let me down and I will remain forever grateful to the both of them for defending me and helping me. I highly recommend Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper to anyone needing excellent criminal defense lawyers. They truly are phenomenal lawyers.
    - R. Web
    Son's life and career saved
    “Howard and his entire team are OUTSTANDING. I can't imagine being in better hands in a court of law. He earned every penny of his fee.”
    - Carl
    “Son's life and career saved”
    Howard and his entire team are OUTSTANDING. I can't imagine being in better hands in a court of law. He earned every penny of his fee. Howard, You saved my son's life and I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH! He put himself in a terrible position and being in the medical industry if he was convicted, in addition to facing jail time his career would have been over. I am not sure if he could have survived if that had happened. You were there for us when we most needed you. You are so compassionate that I wonder if you first went to school for social work - just kidding. You did talk me in off the ledge and and gave me confidence that you were the one to retain for my son. Your entire staff, especially Ben are OUTSTANDING. It would be my pleasure to speak to anyone who is considering you for their defense. THANK YOU MY FRIEND
    - Carl
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