“Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper were sent by God to help me!”
In September of 2014, I appeared in Fulton County State Court to answer a calendar call on my case. I was being charged with DUI and I have had 3 prior DUI convictions over my lifetime. I am 49 years old. My case had been continued by Judge Eady and the prosecutor for me to hire an attorney to represent me. When Judge Eady called my case I stood up and when the prosecutor asked where my attorney was I stated that I had not retained an attorney, even though my case had been continued more than once for me to hire an attorney. The prosecutor became upset and stated to Judge Eady that she felt I was playing games by seeking continuances to have an attorney and then coming to court without an attorney. The Courtroom was completely full of defendants and their lawyers. There must have been 100 cases that day and maybe over 25 lawyers in the courtroom. Judge Eady asked me in front of the packed courtroom why I hadn’t hired an attorney when I had been given several continuances to hire an attorney. I answered that I couldn’t afford to hire an attorney as I had been going through a terrible emotional time in my life due to the suicide death of my teenage daughter that had occurred just a few weeks before the court date. At that moment a miracle happened!! One of the attorneys, who was sitting in the jury box which was full of attorneys appearing that day in court, stood up and said “Your Honor, Howard Weintraub, nice to see you again. I am here on my case that is on your calendar but after hearing what this gentleman has just stated, my heart goes out to him and his tragic loss and I announce that my partner, Benjamin Alper, and I will represent him pro bono, and not seek any compensation for our services.” Judge Eady thanked Howard for taking my case for fee and Howard then came over to me, hugged me in front of the packed courtroom and took me outside into an adjourning conference room to talk with me about the passing of my daughter and the facts of my case. Oh my God, I could not believe what was happening! Mr. Weintraub was sent to me by God! Now let me tell you what Howard and Ben (his partner) did for me. Howard and Ben met with me the next day and reviewed my case with me. Due to an oversight, the Department of Drivers’ Services had suspended my license. Ben contacted the Department of Drivers’ Services on my behalf and got my license reinstated that day! Given the nature of the charges and my past history, the prosecutor initially demanded that I serve 10 days in the Fulton County Jail. I decided to just take my lumps and move on with my life and do the time. However, on the day of Court, Ben spoke to the Judge and the prosecutor and got them to drop all of the jail. Another miracle! These guys are great! I cannot thank Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper enough for what they did for me. Howard and Ben are the two most compassionate people I have ever known. It is a privilege to have Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper represent me. And they did so for free and got a great result! God bless you Howard and Ben. Please hire Howard Weintraub and Benjamin Alper to be your attorneys.
- Criminal Defense Client